EEE113 - Introduction to Electrical Engineering (2024-2025 Fall)
Course Details​
Venue: E3, Department Building
Prerequisites: N/A
Date&Time: 15:00-16:30 on Tuesdays and 17:00-18:30 on Wednesdays (Fridays for November)
​Robert L. Boylestad, Introductory Circuit Analysis: Global Edition, 13th Ed., Pearson Education, 2016.
James W. Nilsson and Susan A. Riedel, Electric Circuits, 11th Ed., Pearson Education, 2020.
M. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti, Digital Design: Global Edition, 6th Ed., Pearson, 2019.
Ethem Alpaydın, Introduction to Machine Learning, 4th Ed., MIT Press, 2020.
Objectives: To create awareness about the contents of electrical and electronic engineering and to attract the students to the profession.​
Weekly Schedule
​Course Introduction and Scope (15-16 October 2024)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering at a Glance​​
Department's Divisions (Department Website)
Course Scope
IEEE Xplore Digital Library (Link)
Resume and Curriculum Vitae (Overleaf)
Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering (22, 23 October 2024)[Boylestad, 2016]
A Brief History of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Systems of Units
Rounding Off
Techniques of Circuit Analysis (30 October - 5 November 2024)[Nilsson and Riedel, 2020]
Node-Voltage Method​​
Mesh-Current Method
Source Transformation
Techniques of Circuit Analysis (8, 12 November 2024)[Nilsson and Riedel, 2020]
Thevenin​​ Equivalent Circuit
Norton Equivalent Circuit
Maximum Power Transfer
Operational Amplifiers (15, 19 November 2024)[Nilsson and Riedel, 2020]
Ideal Op-Amp
Inverting-Amplifier Circuit
Summing-Amplifier Circuit
Noninverting-Amplifier Circuit
Difference-Amplifier Circuit
Binary Logic and Boolean Algebra (22,26 November 2024)[Mano and Ciletti, 2019]
Binary Logic​​
Basic Theorems and Properties of Boolean Algebra
Boolean Functions
Other Logic Operations
Digital Logic Gates​
Introduction to Data Science (29 November - 17 December 2024)[Zor, 2024]​​​
- Julia and Pluto
- Python and JupyterLab
- R and RStudio Desktop
- Hands-on Exercises of Data Analytics
Midterm Examination (3 December 2024)
Solutions of Midterm Examination (10 - 11 December 2024)
Introduction to Machine Learning (18 - 24 December 2024)[Alpaydın, 2020]
Machine Learning
Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, and Reinforcement Learning
Classification and Regression
ANN, SVM, Decision Trees, kNN, and RNN
Introduction to Turkish Electric Power System and Electricity Markets (25 - 31 December 2024)
Introduction to Renewable Energy (8 - 14 January 2025)​
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Ethics (14 - 15 January 2025)