EEE8182 - Electric Load Forecasting (2024-2025 Spring)
Main Course
Venue: Dr Zor's Office (Room 213, Second Floor, M1 Building)
Date&Time: N/A
Objectives: This course introduces electric load forecasting from both theoretical and practical aspects using the real-world load forecasting problems in the power industry along with improving students' ability to design, develop, document, and report successful load forecasts for a variety of horizons (very-short, short, medium, and long term forecasts).
Contents: Introduction to Forecasting, Fundamentals of Electric Load Forecasting, Electricity Price Forecasting, Wind Power Forecasting, Solar Power Forecasting, Energy Trading and Risk Management, Demand Response and Customer Analytics, Utilities Outage Analytics, and Final Project.
Midterm: Abstract Preparation for a Journal Article indexed in SCIE or SSCI
Final: Manuscript Preparation for a Journal Article indexed in SCIE or SSCI
Conference Papers
Tolun, G. G. and Zor, K. Short-Term Reactive Power Forecasting Using Deep Learning-Based Algorithms in Electric Distribution Systems. Digital Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2024), (0546):, Sep 8–12, 2024. (Rome, Italy)
Tolun, G. G. and Zor, K. Very Short-Term Reactive Power Forecasting Using Machine Learning-Based Algorithms. Proceedings of the 9th International Youth Conference on Energy (IYCE2024), Jul 2–6, 2024. (Colmar, France)
Yorat, E., Zor, K., Ozbek, N. S. and Saribulut, L. Day-Ahead Electricity Price Forecasting Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Algorithms. 2023 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT2023), Nov 20–21, 2023. (Sakheer, Bahrain) DOI: 10.1109/3ICT60104.2023.10391547