EEE8183 - Energy Informatics (2023-2024 Spring)
Course Details
Venue: Dr Zor's Office (Room 213, Second Floor, M1 Building)
Date&Time: 13:15-16:00 on Fridays
Objectives: This course aims to teach to model electric power systems with software tools and real data sets to assess impact of smart grid concepts, integration of renewable resources, storage, and electric vehicles.
Contents: Energy informatics exploits the state-of-the-art ICT (information and communication technology) to tackle the global warming and climate change challenges. The scope of energy informatics includes computing and communications technologies and their applications for sustainable energy sectors - e.g., smart grid, solar, electric vehicles, and storage. This course lay the foundations to understand where and how informatics techniques apply in the energy systems.
Midterm: Abstract Preparation for a Journal Article indexed in SCIE or SSCI
Final: Manuscript Preparation for a Journal Article indexed in SCIE or SSCI
Journal Articles
Tolun, Ö. C., Zor, K., and Tutsoy, Ö. A Comprehensive Benchmark of Machine Learning-Based Algorithms for Medium-Term Electric Vehicle Charging Demand Prediction. Journal of Supercomputing, 81:475, 2025. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-025-06975-8
Conference Papers
Aydin, B. and Zor, K. A Benchmark of Deep Learning- and Tree-Based Methods for Prosumer Electric Load Forecasting. Book of Abstracts of the 44th International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF2024), Jun 30 – Jul 3, 2024. (Dijon, France)
Tolun, G. G., Zor, K., and Kaplan, Y. A. Daily Global Solar Irradiation Prediction of a University Campus via a Hybrid AI-Based Method. Digital Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2023), (0104):1-14, Sep 24–29, 2023. (Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Tolun, O. C., Zor, K., and Tutsoy, O. Electric Vehicle Charging Demand Prediction Using a Novel Machine Learning- Based Technique. Digital Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2023), (0175):1-14, Sep 24–29, 2023. (Dubrovnik, Croatia)