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EEE8188 - Renewables in Electricity Markets (2024-2025 Fall)

Main Course

  • Venue: Dr Zor's Office (Room 213, Second Floor, M1 Building)

  • Date&Time: 09:00-12:00 on Fridays

  • Objectives: This course aims to teach some basic concepts and applications of electricity markets such as day-ahead and balancing markets, ancillary services, the impact of renewable energy resources on markets, participation of renewable energy producers in electricity markets and renewable energy analytics.

  • Contents: Fundamentals of Electricity Markets, Electricity Spot Markets, Intra-day and Balancing Markets, Ancillary Services, Impact of Renewables on Electricity Markets, Participation of Renewables in Electricity Markets, Introduction to Renewable Energy Analytics, Verification of Renewable Energy Forecasts, Renewable Energy Forecasting, and Final Project.


  • Midterm: Abstract Preparation for a Journal Article indexed in SCIE or SSCI

  • Final: Manuscript Preparation for a Journal Article indexed in SCIE or SSCI

Conference Papers

  • Tolun, G. G., Tolun, O. C., and Zor, K. Üreten Tüketici Elektrik Yük Tahminin Makine Öğrenmesi Tabanlı Algoritmalar ile Uygulanması. National Conference on Electrical, Electronic, and Biomedical Engineering (ELECO2024), Nov 2830, 2024. (Bursa, Türkiye) DOI: 10.1109/ELECO64362.2024.10847126

  • Atalay, B. A. and Zor, K. Hydroelectric Power Forecasting via Tree-Based Machine Learning Algorithms. Digital Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2024), (0835):1-15, Sep 812, 2024. (Rome, Italy)



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